Friday, 26 March 2010

Easy healthy cooking techniques!

Cooking healthy actually simply requires a number of minor changes for many individuals. By replacing items and using numerous techniques, you can not only lessen the quantity of fat intake, but also increase important vitamins and minerals in the food. You'll be amazed that as soon as you begin experimenting, you will discover that healthy and balanced healthy cooking techniques actually improve your meal.

1. Add herbs in your meals. Herbs are power packed with vitamins and minerals with out including excess calories. When you include herbs, you improve the flavour to the dish and make it much more exotic. You do not have to be a gourmet cook to do this. Simply experiment. Are you aware that parsley has powerful anti-oxidants and cilantro contains substances which help battle diabetes? There is a world of remedies in your spice rack, experiment.

2. Reduce salt intake. When you increase the herbs in your meals, you may also decrease the amount of salt. Herbs add more tastes and makes salt much less essential. Reducing salt intake additionally decreases your potential for high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Mixing this with other healthy cooking techniques improves not only the flavour but also the nutritional quality of the food you dish out.

3. Steam your veggies. You might have heard the expression, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, well that is precisely what you do when you boil vegetables. Boiling vegetables leaches the nutrients out of the veg and in to the water. Rather, try steaming the vegetables. You may find small steaming baskets which fit in to your pots. Simply put an inch of water in the pan, not enough to touch the veggies, place the basket filled with vegetables, cover and heat. You'll find that all veggies taste better steamed. Add the spices at the final minute.

4. Use monounsaturated fats. You will cook a lot healthier if you keep away from certain kinds of fat, for example trans fatty acids and saturated fats. They simply are heart healthy. Canola oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil and sesame seed oil are good options to utilize for cooking. Olive oil is also another. This is one of the healthy cooking techniques, which can make a large difference in the potential for coronary artery disease.

5. Boost vegetables and fruit at each meal. Including an extra veggie choice to each meal raises the quantity of healthy nutrients available to your family. The more choices you offer, the more variety they will receive. Even fussy eaters like some type of veg.

6. Reduce the amount of red meat in your meals. Some men simply will not eat anything but steak and potatoes. You need to be tricky with them. Get smaller sized pieces of meat and gradually reduce the size of the steak you serve. You will find they will not notice, will be healthier and your food bill goes down.

7. Attempt to go nuts. Nuts are a great supply of plant proteins. The majority of people don't consider nuts a main dish however you can reduce the volume of animal proteins in the diet if you simply make use of them periodically. A Waldorf salad created from apples, celery, walnuts or pecans and mayo or salad dressing gives both proteins and valuable nutrients. The FDA approved walnuts as a heart healthy food, together with seven other nuts.

8. Get imaginative. There's nothing better than a salad on a burrito, especially if it's a wholegrain burrito. Make your salad however finely slice the lettuce and other veggies. Include finely chopped chicken and include your dressing. Put it into a burrito wrap and you'll have a meal which children that would not touch a salad will eat.

You can enhance the flavor and healthful quality of your cooking by merely using a couple of wholesome cooking techniques. It does not mean you need to give up every thing you love, simply modify it so it's much healthier for the whole family.

Healthy home cooking