Monday, 19 January 2009

How to increase golf swing speed!

Most golf players spend a great deal of there golf playing time wondering, how to increase golf swing speed. Unfortunately it is not just a case of hitting the ball harder as in most cases this can result in a lack of accuracy. But if you can improve your golf swing effectively then you have the ability to improve your handicap and finish a round with a better score. So how to increase golf swing speed?

Your core is the key to answering the question how to increase golf swing speed. Your core muscles are the muscles of the torso, which include the back, abdominals, pelvis and obliques. To acheive faster hands and with it a faster golf club then you need to have a strong and flexible core. The best way to do this is through exercise.

There are many different types of exercises you can do to improve your core muscles, the most familiar of which has to be the sit up, which is great for core training. It is important that you train all the muscles in your core equally, an imbalanced core can only have a bad effect on your game. It is also important to remember that your core training needs to focus on four catagories, stability, strength, endurance and power. Neglecting just one of these four catagories will result in an imbalance which can effect your game.

Ab crunches and back extensions are two simple exersices you can start straight away, as these will help to strengthen your core quickly. It is best to start with just these two exercises as this will build up your strength to then move on to rotational exercises which can put more stress on your spine if your muscles are not ready. When you are ready you can move on to crunches and back extensions with a twist which will benefit your rotational strength. And then finaly, only when you are confortable with the above exercises progress to performing rotational movements whilst standing and holding a single weight.

And so the answer to how to increase golf swing speed is to incorporate a golf work out, concentrating on your core. Not only will it help to increase your golf swing but it will improve your general fitnes as well. Two benefits in one.

Visit how to increase golf swing speed

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