Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Ski bum - the naked skier

Wardrobe Malfunction Bummer!
Wardrobe malfunctions don't just happen to celebrities. A 48-year-old skier was left hanging upside down, half naked on a chair lift at the Blue Sky Basin at the Vail Ski Resort in Vail, Colorado. His pants and underwear were apparently caught in the ski lift, leaving him bare bottomed and exposed.

The Vail skier, being called the naked skier by online searchers was hanging upside down for approximately seven minutes, a Vail spokeswoman Liz Biebl said. (Associated Press) The Smoking Gun reports it was 15 minutes. He had fallen through a raised chair lift and his his pants got caught on the chair when he fell, according to FOX.

Specifics about how the man could have ended up hanging from the chair were not released by the Blue Sky Basin in Vail, Colorado. More details about how the Vail skier started his New Year as the naked skier, were reported by The Smoking Gun and the Vail Daily.

The chair was not lowered as it should have been and the Vail skier fell through the gap. A child who was with the man is shown seated in the chair lift, as the man dangles beneath the chair lift, suspended in place by his right ski.

Photo Fall Out

The photo of the so-called naked skier, who was really only half-naked, resulted in a suspended job for the photographer, Marty Odom. Odom was not working in a professional capacity when he shot the photos, although he is a professional photographer.

He was at the Blue Ski Basin in Vail, Colorado skiing and he took the now famous photos of the naked Vail skier with his own camera. His images of the upside down skier were published in the Vail Daily, and Odom's employer, SharpShooters claim the suspension is due to the non-compete clause he signed.

Odom was doing what any other trained photographer would do, get the shot. The man was being helped, although not yet down from the chair lift when the photos were shot. History and pop culture are filled with priceless photos taken by photographers in the right place at the right time.

As reported on assciated content

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